Copyright © 2012 by Derek Leaf . Not to be copied for commercial purposes.  Permission is granted to copy the unaltered, attributed page for non commercial purposes.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Cor 5:17

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These pages are designed to aid study or investigation for Christian discipleship through individual Bible study, Cell groups, Home groups, or meeting one to one.  The questions could be used alone allowing each person to use their own Bible.


The Lord is completely trustworthy; He is holy; We know He will never compromise with evil.  He will never look to His own self interest.  We are secure in these facts!  Our problem is, we are not holy, and that puts us at odds with God.  The good news is that the Lord Himself  dealt with the separation caused by our evil so we can approach Him.

Bible Zone

This zone looks at three passages.

Holiness of God

Holiness is probably one of the most challenging attribures of God.  What does God mean when He says He is holy?  What does the word Holy mean?  When the Bible says God is Holy, it says He is apart from all that is wrong or sinful.

Paul describes this holiness in  1 Timothy 6

  1. How could light stop a person physically getting close?
  2. Why would being in the presence of God have this effect?

1 Timothy 6:16    16 He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen.

Meeting a Holy God

Isaiah 6  captures some of this feeling when he has a vision of God.  In his time he was the foremost prophet.  Kings send messengers asking Isaiah of God’s word.   

  1. What was the response of the heavenly creatures to God’s presence?
  2. How did Isaiah feel in God’s presence?  Why?
  3. What was needed for Isaiah to stand in God’s presence?
  4. What has God done for us to stand in His presence?

Isaiah 6:1-7    1 It was in the year King Uzziah died* that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple.2 Attending him were mighty seraphim, each having six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.3 They were calling out to each other,

"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heaven's Armies!   The whole earth is filled with his glory!"

4 Their voices shook the Temple to its foundations, and the entire building was filled with smoke.   5 Then I said, "It's all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the LORD of Heaven's Armies."   6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs.7 He touched my lips with it and said, "See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven."

God said “Be holy because I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:45 NIV)  As we live focused on Jesus, He will draw us into a holy life.  We are close to Him when we allow Him to show us His way and trust Him enough to live like HIm.

Holiness in Heaven

The book of Revelation describes John seeing heaven.  He tells of the response of those in heaven to the presence of God.

  1. How do the most powerful angelic creatures respond to the presence of God?
  2. What attribute of God is exalted above all others?
  3. How do the elders respond?

Revelation 4:6-11   6 ...  In the center and around the throne were four living beings,  ... 8 ...  Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—   the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."

9 Whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever),10 the twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever). And they lay their crowns before the throne and say,

11 "You are worthy, O Lord our God,   to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things,   and they exist because you created what you pleased."